mini symposium 29 November: “Bridging the gap between two omics worlds: transcriptomics and proteomics”

Dear students,

You are cordially invited to attend the free mini symposium on “Bridging the gap between two omics worlds: transcriptomics and proteomics”, which will take place on November 29th, at Ghent University, Rommelaere Institute – Auditorium 1.39, A. Baertsoenkaai 3, 9000 GENT.

Three (inter)national speakers will discuss, each from a different perspective, how the transcriptomics and proteomics worlds can be brought together: (1) Integration of high-throughput RNA sequencing and mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics in the cancer research, (2) Integration of the new ribosome profiling technique (sequencing of ribosome protected mRNA) and MS-based proteomics and (3) ways to boost the MS identification rate, based on machine learning, necessary due to the increased (RNA-seq derived) sequence search space.

For more details about the program, I refer to the attachment: MiniSymposium

Please, feel free to spread this announcement to anyone who you think may be interested.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to mail to

Gerben Menschaert